Tuesday, January 27, 2009

No talking, just head...

I was talking to another performer today and it hit me. I don't think I have the right mind set to work in the entertainment business. I don't desire the same goals as other people. Money isn't my motivation. The things I want are just too... easy. I want to do something I enjoy and get paid to do it, and share it with someone.

I am doing that. However, I would like to do more of the former. I would like to work more, however I suck at the business side of things. I however do not desire a nice house or car or stacks of cash. Just wanna make a living. Nothing fancy required. Problem is, in this business that don't fly. You have to have goals, and projected income, and something that drives you other than... art.

So I am heavily considering just focusing my interests in a new direction and pursuing something else like voice acting. I just don't seem to be cut out for the games that people play in the business.

We shall see....
