Friday, March 13, 2009

I like to be creative. Simple enuff right?

It's why I have so many interests. I need to stay creative or I start scouting clock tower locations and pricing rifles. I truly enjoy the problem solving that comes with creating new magic. Same goes for video editing and graphic design. When you think of something and go, "Now how would I do this" (Not not how do you do this, but how do I do this.. big difference there) and then go forth with reckless abandon and make something that is truly your vision, it's a good feeling.

It's also the reason I like to help other people in magic. I like to help other create. Give them ideas and whatnot. I like to offer up advice to total strangers when I have an amusing idea that might work for them. It's almost like a muscle that you need to work out with to make sure it stays in shape. I have ideas all the time that may not be right for me but could totally work for someone else... and I relish that. No one has to take my ideas or advice, but I will give them freely and gladly (usually).

It also helps me develop ideas for myself sometimes. Writing routines and shows and trick plots for someone gives me ideas as well. Creating new contraptions can give me a new mental rolodex index for something else I might need down the line.

So I like to create. It's what I do.

Too bad I can't color inside the lines still...
